Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies Weapon Tier List

The undead in the latest Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies mode are more unforgiving than ever. While you’re on loadout preparing to fight a swarm of zombies, it’s easy to get so overwhelmed choosing between weapons that you end up picking up anything that can shoot. While it does the job, there are more efficient weapons that will help you get through each wave. This will just serve as a guide for you to remember what you should and shouldn’t pick.

F Tier: Rocket Launchers and Sniper Rifles 

These are weapons you should just ignore, seriously. Some of these include the RPG, M79, M82, Cigma 2, and Pellington.

If you pick any of these up, you’re unlucky. Despite their large size, rocket launchers such as the RPG, Cigma 2, and M79 can easily fool you into thinking that they’ll cause massive amounts of damage. They’re just bulky and annoying, so you may want to scrap off any intentions of using them. Another annoying weapon on the lower ranking is the M79, which seems to be purposely created as a useless gun to make the others look better. Players have voiced their frustrations on social media about this gun, as it forces players to reload their game multiple times because of how quickly the damage falls over with the M79.

The sniper rifles in general in Call Of Duty: Black Ops are powerful, unfortunately, this doesn’t work the same way when you fight the undead. That’s why it’s a shame that the M82 sniper sits on the bottom of this tier because it was an incredible gun in the previous Zombie modes. The Pellington sniper rifle is another addition to this, while it’s not as terrible as the other guns in this tier, other better sniper rifles will give you more return and points. 

D Tier: Pistols and Melee Weapons

If you want to challenge yourself, you can go with the pistols and the melee builds. These include the Diammati, 1911, Magnum, Knife, and Machete.

If you choose the Knife, you’re probably insane. However, they’re still there, and they’re not bad at all. The Knife is pretty handy in the first few rounds and will spare you some ammo in the future. It’s a cheap way to earn fast points; it will give you 115 points instead of the usual 90 points. The Knife could be used to kill standard zombies in one hit, but soon enough it won’t be as effective. 

On the other hand, pistols also sit on this list for obvious reasons. In the earlier games, the 1911 pistol is the first weapon you’re supposed to bear with. They were unreliable back then, but they’ve switched it up this season to be more viable. The three-round Diamatti pistol is also pretty effective on a dual wield if you wish to use it. Overall, the weapons in this tier aren’t bad, but they just scratch the surface.

C Tier: Assault Rifles and Tactical Rifles

These weapons are honestly not the best in Zombies, while they ruled the game in Cold War. Including; DMR14, Type 63, QBZ, AK-47, XM4, FFAR, AUG, Krig 6.

The star of multiplayer modes fade away here, the assault rifles on Zombies aren’t as useful. The DMR14 is weak in terms of its magazine and fire rate, but it ranks mid-tier because it gives more damage than a pistol per single shot and Type 63 also requires a lot of effort to create damage.

Another fading star is the tactical rifle class; however, it shines better than assault rifles in terms of accuracy. Still, they both fall in the middle tier because of how little difference they make.

B Tier: Shotguns

One-shot, one kill. Hauer 77, Gallo SA12, Streetsweeper.

Shotguns are only great depending on how you use them, and they’re even trickier in swarms. If you can handle reloading slower than usual, these are your friends. There was a time when the Gallo SA12 was the most powerful weapon in Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies until players discovered the Streetsweeper.

The Gallo SA12 has impressive crowd control and in earlier rounds, killing enemies in just one hit with its high fire rate and damage.  This gives you the higher ground in close range situations. It can deal with crowds as it has 21 rounds, but it’s most effective when it comes to big bosses.

A Tier: SMGs, LMGs

You can never go wrong with these. KSP 45, MP5, PP-19 Bizon a.k.a Bullfrog, Millano, M60, and Stoner 63

Even if SMG magazines are small in size, they’re still effective to use especially when leveled up through the Zombie skill tier. If you’re looking to find better options but have an LC10 on hand, don’t worry, they’re still reliable.

Meanwhile, the LMGs in this game are far greater in terms of magazine and damage. The M60, Stoner 63, and the RPD have always been the most picked ones in the game. It’s no surprise as to why they’re in the higher tier as they were always excellent in the previous Black Ops games.

S Tier: Elementals of the Wonder Weapon + Ray Gun

The holy grail of Zombies’ weaponry, the Elemental Weapons... includes the D.I.E Thermophasic; Cryo-Emitter, Novabolt, Electrobolt and the terrifying Ray Gun.

It’s incredibly satisfying to find rare weapons because they happen to be the most powerful. If you want to sweep a crowd of zombies, the D.I.E Electrobolt does a great job in this. The fire element isn’t a panic weapon because it has a specific trigger delay. The ice and poison elementals are also fun to use, but the Electrobolt has to be the best variant out there.

And lastly, the king of all Zombie weapons. The Ray Gun isn’t a Wonder Weapon but a shotgun, and still maintains its superstar status. It has no weakness and there’s just no reason to turn this down once you see it in the box. It has a high range, mobility, damage, and accuracy. It’s also a gun you should use for the ring of fire strategy and will give you two high rounds when you’re training.


That is the list of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Zombies weapons ranked from lowest to highest. This tier list however won’t be immortal; we all know that the traits of each weapon change throughout different seasons. So just take it with a grain of salt.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is now available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS4, PS5, and PC.